
10. februari 2014 // let’s go 2014! year of positive change

dear visiters, musiclovers

After deleting loads of malware and viruses from my computer I am happily back.

This year starts with new different projects as I feel it is time for a change, more singing more info-communication …I promise.

Beside  happily teaching and performing I am going to focus on specific topics .

Wedding-concerts and culi-concerts are coming up.

let’s filmmusic singing project at the beautiful ‘stilteplek Bommerig’ will  follow,  and of course the kidschoirconcert in may.

In the fall  a meditationcourse again for children will be coming up , part of the beleefweekend in Vaals.

Also I will be creating an own  piece of musical theatre for family’s– ready to perform …..2014/2015…..and workshops will be open for all kinds of groups at various settings.

Loads of plans again,  different and the same,

let’s go 2014!